Exorcists Wanted: Madrid’s Catholic Church Says It Needs More Trained Priests. The Catholic archdiocese in Madrid says it needs more exorcists to help some of its faithful cope with the devil. "The devil exists. That's a fact," an archdiocese spokeswoman told The Associated Press (Ciaran Giles, Associated Press/Huffington Post)
Cheikhs sunnites, savants de la Zitouna, historiens, soufis et académiciens s'insurgent contre l'escalade de l'extrémisme religieux dans le pays. Et appellent à une charte nationale pour dire : «Stop! Y en a assez maintenant!» — Tunisie-Religion : Les cheikhs de la Zitouna s'organisent pour faire face à l'extrémisme religieux (Zohra Abid, Kapitalis)
Pope Francis Says Atheists Who Do Good Are Redeemed, Not Just Catholics. Pope Francis rocked some religious and atheist minds Wednesday when he declared that everyone was redeemed through Jesus, including atheists. The leader of the world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholics made his comments in the homily of his morning Mass in his residence, a daily event where he speaks without prepared comments.He told the story of a Catholic who asked a priest if even atheists had been redeemed by Jesus. "Even them, everyone," the pope answered, according to Vatican Radio (Huffington Post)
Selon les confidences d’un évêque italien, le pape François préparerait une lettre encyclique sur la pauvreté — Le pape préparerait une encyclique sur la pauvreté (F.M., La Croix)
Pope Francis, the former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, has been in office for only two months, but already he has changed the tone of the papacy, lifting morale and bringing a new sense of enthusiasm to the Roman Catholic Church and to the Vatican itself — Francis’ Humility and Emphasis on the Poor Strike a New Tone at the Vatican (Rachel Donadio, The New York Times)
Anti-Semitism Reports Increase, State Department Says. The State Department appointed a special envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism around the world Monday as a new report documents a global increase in incidents of anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial (Matthew Daly, Associated Press/Huffington Post)
"Loin des clichés ou des tabous, c'est un livre d'importance qui vient de paraître outre-Atlantique : Sexuality in muslim contexts, restrictions and resistance. L'historienne new-yorkaise Anissa Hélie et l'anthropologue québécoise Homa Hoodfar ont uni leurs efforts pour un ouvrage qui conjugue sexualités et islam dans toutes ses diversités. Avec pour hypothèse que la sexualité est la clé de l'égalité des sexes et des droits humains" — Musulmanes, sexualité, diversité (TV5)
"Ce que la religion fait aux gens", dossier de la revue Archives de sciences sociales des religions
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