Vendredi 14 mars 2025
mardi 22 mai 2012

Revue de presse, 22 mai

Revue de presse, 22 mai Saman / Magnum for Newsweek


"Moneim Aboul Fotouh, backed by hardliners and liberals alike, may be Egypt’s next president. A candidate for president, Abou el-Fotouh can’t afford billboard signs or television spots. His campaign doesn’t even have money for polling. So, alongside his rallies and speeches, the 60-year-old Islamist is doing as many radio and television interviews as he can fit into a day" – Egypt Elections: Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotough, The Irresistible Islamist (Dan Ephron, Newsweek)


"The University of Notre Dame, New York’s archdiocese, and several other high-profile Catholic institutions were among the 41 organizations to sue the Obama administration in federal court Monday, arguing that the president’s health-care law could not mandate them to cover contraception costs in workers’ health plans" – Church Orgs. Sue Over Birth Control (Louise Radnofski, The Wall Street journal)


"IT is fashionable these days for Western leaders to praise Indonesia as a model Muslim democracy. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has declared, “If you want to know whether Islam, democracy, modernity and women’s rights can coexist, go to Indonesia.” And last month Britain’s prime minister, David Cameron, lauded Indonesia for showing that “religion and democracy need not be in conflict” – Indonesia. No Model for Muslim Democracy (Andreas Harsono, International Herald Tribune)


"Elle ne voyait pas le mal, son employeur si. Véronique Bonazzola, assistante d’éducation au collège catholique Notre-Dame de la Tramontane, à Juan-les-Pins (Alpes Maritimes), a été licenciée après avoir joué une femme 'cougar' dans un clip de rap, une quinquagénaire sexy et lascive dans les bras d’un jeune homme de 26 ans..." – Une femme licenciée d'un collège catholique pour avoir joué un rôle de "cougar" – (Fabien Trécourt, Le Monde des religions)

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