Vendredi 14 mars 2025
dimanche 30 septembre 2012

Revue de presse hebdo, 30 septembre


"Merkel said about Islam that Germans 'should be open about it and say, `yes, it's part of us.' She added that Christians should maybe start thinking and talking more about their own religion again 'rather than having fear of Islam' " – Chancellor Merkel Says Islam Is Part Of Germany (Associated Press/Huffington Post)

A German court gave its backing yesterday to a decree by the country's Catholic bishops declaring that believers who refused to pay an eight per cent church tax could not be considered Catholic and would automatically lose the right to receive Holy Communion and a religious burial " – German court warns Catholics: pay church tax or face expulsion (Tony Paterson, The Independent)


"Une étude a analysé les débats sur l'immigration dans six pays d'Europe, dont la Suisse. Celle-ci se distingue par les références régulières à l'origine et la religion des immigrants et paraît divisée par le Röstigraben" – L'immigration serait surtout un enjeu alémanique (ATS/S.P./Newsnet)


"The president now leads 54-39%. Obama and Romney do are tied among white Catholics, whereas 74% of white Evangelicals support Romney. Obama leads among Americans with no religious affiliation" – Obama Surges Ahead In Catholic Polls. (Daniel Burke, Huffington Post)


"Kirill rejected criticism of his increasingly strong relationship with President Vladimir Putin and criticised calls for a totally secular state. Pussy Riot reignited the debate about the church's role in the mainly Orthodox country when they burst into a Moscow cathedral in February to give a profanity-laced rendition of a song criticising Putin's ties with the Church" – Patriarch Kirill, Russian Orthodox Leader, Defends Ties With Putin, Church State Relations (Reuters/Huffington Post)


"Egypt’s leader should define the Muslim mainstream and speak out against the extremists. The wave of violence directed at Americans and Europeans in the Middle East and elsewhere in the Muslim world has had two particularly malign effects. First, it has made many Westerners, especially Americans, wonder why they and their governments should seek to play a constructive role in those parts of the world where people apparently harbour such visceral feelings of hatred towards them. Second, it has cast a dismal light on the new leadership of Egypt, the Arab region’s most populous and pivotal country" – Morsi’s moment (The Economist)

A ground-breaking agreement has been reached on the new constitution for Egypt, the newspaper Al-Masry Al-Youm is reporting" – Islamic and Coptic scholars reach agreement on Egypt constitution (International News, News The Church of England Newspaper)

"The Government of Egypt reports the Anglican Bishop of Egypt, Dr Mouneer Anis, has written to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon (pictured) endorsing the call made by Islamic member states to ban blasphemy " – Egypt bishop ‘backs Islamic call to ban blasphemy (International news, News The Church of England Newspaper)


"Il ne suffit pas de rappeler que le Québec est bel et bien une société laïque où État et Église font chambre à part pour que s’éclairent les mille et un pans d’ombre d’une laïcité bien mal balisée. Sous la forme d’une charte, oui, un cadre est bel et bien nécessaire. Mais on ne peut s’y affairer maintenant, car des plaies vives font trop souffir" – Laïcité - Matière explosive (Marie-Andrée Chouinard, Le


"C'est une première francophone. Près de cinq siècles après celui du réformateur Jean Calvin en quatre volumes, un Nouveau Testament Commenté (NTC) sort de presse; mais en un volume. Dix-neufs biblistes ont mis la main à la pâte. Interview de la cheville ouvrière du projet éditorial, le professeur honoraire Daniel Marguerat "– Le Nouveau Testament décortiqué (ProtestInfo)

"A l'instigation de la Cellule littéraire, en partenariat avec l'Alliance française de Lubumbashi, les hommes de culture du Katanga se sont donnés rendez-vous le mercredi 25 juillet 2012 pour assister au vernissage de l'ouvrage intitulé Néo-colonialismes politiques et religieux : les africains face à leur nouvelle indépendance. Essai d\'une théologie politique pour l'Afrique de l' Abbé Pierre Damien Ndombe Makanga Maya Nguba, écrivain et Docteur en philosophie et en théologie dogmatique de la Faculté de théologie de salésiens à Benediktbeuern en Bavière (Allemagne)" – Néo-colonialismes politiques et religieux : les africains face à leur nouvelle indépendance  (Jean-Marie Yamukabo,

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