Samedi 29 mars 2025
mardi 23 octobre 2018

Religion and Secularism in the European Union

The Observatory of Religions and Secularism (ORELA), hosted by the Université libre de Bruxelles, is proud to launch its first report on religion and secularism in the European Union. In this new and unprecedented report, ORELA examines major concerns for the EU, such as secularization, the way EU institutions and European countries cope with diversity and pluralism, State and religion cooperation, religion at school, ethical issues and societal debates, freedom of religion, religion-based campaigns…

Since 2013, ORELA has published annual reports on religion and secularism in Belgium. It offers online analyses concerning religions and beliefs and Church-State relations, written by experts from the CIERL and various European universities or research institutes, as well as a daily press review on religion and beliefs, covering Europe and beyond. Thanks to a network of experts in the 28 EU member States, ORELA also provides a summary of every national situation, and now a comprehensive and transnational report on religion in the EU. 

Contact (for the press only), about the 2018 report:

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To download the Report: see annex below...

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