A country, which has two established churches, the Church of England and the Church of Scotland, does not seem to be a propitious setting for secularism to flourish. To this point can be added a number of other matters that seem to be inimical to the idea that secularism can prevail in the United Kingdom. There is, for example, the fact that large numbers of State schools in the present day continue to have partly religious foundations, historically once solely Christian or Jewish but now also including the Muslim, Hindu and Sikh faiths. Equally there the fact that one of the established churches, the Church of England, has the legal right, which it exercises, to have bishops and archbishops as members of the House of Lords, one of the two chambers of the United Kingdom Parliament.
A country of twenty million Latin-language speaking inhabitants, Romania is situated on the crossroad of different politic, religious and cultural influences. In the Moldavian and the Walachia principalities, the role of the Byzantine, the Ottoman, and the Russian Empires was essential. As for Transylvania, it was influenced by Vienna, Budapest and Rome. Unavoidably, this historic heritage is closely related to the Romanian religious situation.
A la fin du mois de juin, la presse italienne a abondamment relayé la visite du pape François aux Vaudois de Turin. La « Chiesa valdese », l’Eglise vaudoise, constitue en effet une importante minorité chrétienne en Italie. Elle est la plus anciennement ancrée dans le pays et constitue une sérieuse concurrente pour l’Eglise catholique dans le domaine des recettes fiscales. Par sa présence et par ses paroles réconciliatrices, François a pris ses distances avec plusieurs siècles d’opposition et de persécution à l’égard des Vaudois. Sa visite au temple de Turin s’inscrit dans une politique plus large d’ouverture à l’égard des communautés protestantes, surtout à l’égard de celles qui se distinguent par leur fort engagement social.
In Poland, religious freedom is guaranteed by the 1997 Constitution and by international instruments incorporated into Polish law. The country is also party to most European and universal human rights documents. In 2003, the number of Catholics was estimated at 34,443,998 (90.1 % of the entire population), the number of Orthodox Christians at 510,712 (1.34 %) and the number of Protestants at 162,102 (0.42 %). Surveys of the Centre of Public Opinion Research (CBOS) and the Catholic Church Institute of Statistics have shown that 90 % of the Polish population consider themselves a religious person, whereas the latest CBOS survey (2015) reveals that 50 % of the population participates in mass at least once a week (58 % in 2005). The same survey indicates that the proportion of people who do not attend Church services has increased from 9 % in 2005 to 13 % in 2015. Daily prayer is also in steep decline: from 66 % in 2005 to 43 % in 2015.
La rentrée scolaire 2015 en Belgique francophone est la première depuis l’arrêt de la Cour constitutionnelle imposant à la Communauté française (Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles) d’octroyer une dispense du cours de religion ou de morale non confessionnelle à tous les parents (ou aux élèves majeurs) qui en font la demande. Qu’adviendra-t-il de ces élèves dispensés pendant les deux heures ainsi libérées ? Quel impact cette nouvelle organisation peut-elle avoir sur l’avenir de l’enseignement des religions et de la morale à plus long terme ? Les questions sont aujourd’hui nombreuses, et souvent sans réponse claire.
Though the quantity of studies on religious/non-religious tendencies in today's Portugal is not overly abundant outside the Catholic remit, available are official and other reliable statistical data, and a number of well-structured analyses thereof, providing insights into the religious phenomenon in this country. Notwithstanding, the main issue is whether the more recent, few-decades-spanning information is by itself sufficient for supporting medium to long-term tendencies anticipation in this domain. This text takes the view that the Portuguese national historical context may to a good extent explain the degree of observed trend stability as regards religions-secularism in the country. The Portuguese law of religious freedom dates just from 2001. Signs are that only now an effective multiplication of creeds is underway, whose future impact cannot yet be soundly discerned.
À la question : « Est-ce que le hockey au Canada (et en particulier le Canadien de Montréal, le seul club professionnel de hockey sur glace au Québec) peut fonctionner comme une religion ? », l’on peut sans hésiter répondre : « Oui ! » Pour certaines personnes, dans certaines circonstances, le hockey fonctionne comme une religion, au sens large d’une religion civile, invisible ou implicite ou d’une quasi religion, comme, au sens propre, celle d’une médiation entre les êtres humains et Dieu. Faire du Canadien une religion permet en retour de s’interroger sur la notion même de religion.